Sunday, December 2, 2012

WW2 Valiant

I painted a handful of Valiant 1/72 GIs for a change. I really like these models, too bad they don't mix with anything else in either size or proportion. That wouldn't be a problem if Valiant did a complete range, but so far they only have late war Western Front covered. Booh.

Thinking of out of scale, oversized figures....
Does my butt look big in this?


  1. If you have a cat and an empty box, I guarantee you the cat will at one point be lying down in the box, regardless of size of the cat or box.

  2. Oh yeah, this one will try shoeboxes, empty Kleenex boxes, anything- and he is a 15 lber.

  3. Isn't it supposed to be a Cat in a Hat? Funny how they seem to have to be involved in everything!

    Dave if there is anything your looking for in 72nd scale let me know..I can take a look to see.

  4. Actually, he steals hats. And gloves, socks and panties....

    Sent you an email regarding 1/72 wishes
