This may seem bizarre, but I find it tremendously rewarding to strip, repair, repaint or otherwise refurbish other folks unwanted and abused minis. It's not (just) because I'm thrifty, but the whole idea of reusing and recycling just holds a certain appeal. Here we have a batch of Uruk-hai metals that I picked up in a shoebox, banged up chipped and broken, at a swap meet last year - $10 for about 100 models (bargain - single metals can go for that now that they are out of production...). I stripped these in Pinesol and repainted them and now they like new.
Since the GW mass combat rules for Middle Earth (War of the Ring) stink, I am planning to host a game using a Sword and Spear variant at the next club night featuring my sizable collections of Rohan and Isengard.