Monday, August 28, 2017

Vehicles - in 4 scales

Real mixed bag of stuff coming off the bench over the last two weeks.

Some modern microarmor - Germans Leop 2s and Gepards

a test M1 Abrams in 15mm (Battlefront) - I opted for a forest green rather than MERDC camo.

A 1/72 Skdfz 250/9

And a squadron of Leman Russ tanks to give my Cadians some real whupass!

Friday, August 11, 2017

Cold War Canadians - 4 CMBG platoon

I'm taking a short holiday from work and completed my 15mm 1980s Canadians representing elements of the 4th Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group from ArmiesArmy.

It's a small battlegroup of an infantry platoon with a couple of C1s, Lynx and M113-TOWs plus an M113 and M577 from Battlefront. The I did the C1s still in German gelboliv and the supporting vehicles in an approximation of the Canadian pre-Nato tricolour scheme (lest I forget I used Vallejo German uniform base with /Russian uniform/charcoal patches). Infantry are brown violet with Russian uniform highlights.

The ArmiesArmy stuff is pretty good. But this little force will need some US support lest it be overrun by my horde of Sovs! (Bannon's Boys are in the queue!)

Monday, August 7, 2017

Well, I've done a bunch of stuff over the last 2 weeks, starting with moving into a new hobby space now that the kids have outgrown their play room. This is awesome...

I completed a Valkyrie for my Astra 40k army - cool model!

Knocked off a couple of 1/72 StuGs in between projects

 Then just finished a pair of Battlefront Mi-24 Hinds and troop of BRDMs in 15mm for my Cold War project - inspired by recently receiving my 4 CMBG Canadians from ArmiesArmy

Here they are with the rest of my Soviets