Friday, February 5, 2021

And next comes something completely different ... ASOIAF

 Towards the end of January I finished off my Mantic stuff including Clansmen:



A Reaper Bones model who will work as the Ice Queen:

And a unit of Arctic fox chaff:

Then for my birthday, I plunged into A Song of Ice and Fire by Cmon games. I have been admiring the miniatures and after watching a bunch of battle reports and reading reviews, the game sounds very good. So, I picked up the Starter and here is my first unit of Lannister guardsmen:



  1. The Mantic stuff has really improved.

  2. TSBIE was established in the year 2014. The primary aim of the board is to improve the education system of the state and to promote the vision of world-class education in Telangana. TS Jr Inter Question Paper 2021 Conducting examinations is one of the most important functions of TSBIE. Board conducts the annual board examination in March every year and the supplementary examination
