Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A red hair day in Scotland....

The clan McLovin suffered it's first defeat in the campaign against the Norman invaders. Their fleeing army slipped through our grasp and escaped from bonny Scotland after our noble warband failed to control their temper and chased after a worthless band of crossbowmen in a fit of red-misted rage. Meanwhile, the Normans managed to smash through our middle and make the board edge. It would have been a complete defeat had our band of mercenary Vikings not pincushioned one of the escaping Norman unit of knights with javelins (hoo-haa!) and cause them to soil their chainmail in panic.

So, this the second time our Scottish temper (i.e. a roll of '1' on the warband control roll) has costed us a level of victory. Now, with the final showdown coming up, we will just have to harness that anger and point it in the right direction. Aye...

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